Source code for dags.output

import functools

[docs]def single_output(func): """Convert tuple output to single output.""" @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper_single_output(*args, **kwargs): raw = func(*args, **kwargs) out = raw[0] return out return wrapper_single_output
[docs]def dict_output(func=None, *, keys=None): """Convert tuple output to dict output.""" def decorator_dict_output(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper_dict_output(*args, **kwargs): raw = func(*args, **kwargs) out = dict(zip(keys, raw)) return out return wrapper_dict_output if callable(func): return decorator_dict_output(func) else: return decorator_dict_output
[docs]def list_output(func): """Convert tuple output to list output.""" @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper_list_output(*args, **kwargs): raw = func(*args, **kwargs) out = list(raw) return out return wrapper_list_output
[docs]def aggregated_output(func=None, *, aggregator=None): """Aggregate tuple output.""" def decorator_aggregated_output(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper_aggregated_output(*args, **kwargs): raw = func(*args, **kwargs) agg = raw[0] for entry in raw[1:]: agg = aggregator(agg, entry) return agg return wrapper_aggregated_output if callable(func): return decorator_aggregated_output(func) else: return decorator_aggregated_output